Force Key

GitHub Repo
The Force Key solid-state morse paddle key, which, as the name implies, uses force senors (load cells) to detect the user's input. It is designed to work in single-lever mode or twin-lever mode.
The output is a standard 3.5mm stereo jack, which can be connected to any morse keyer or transceiver.
- Single-lever or twin-lever mode, or both at the same time
- Adjustable sensitivity in code
- TRS 3.5mm stereo jack output (tip = dot, ring = dash, sleeve = ground)
- Li-Ion battery powered
- USB-C port for charging
- Uses cheap Puya microcontroller
- PCB & other components in BOM
- 2x 100g load cells + HX711 amplifier (make sure to get the 100g version !)
- TODO: add more details
The HX711 has to be modded to output data at 80Hz rate, which is done by lifting pin 15 and bridging it to pin 16 :
The Force key is inspired by the Solid State Paddle by 9A5N, which is a beautiful product; but because of my student budget, I decided to make my own version.
It was a nice challenge as I wanted to use the Puya PY32F002A microcontroller, which is not very common in the maker community.
I also wanted to machine the base and load cell supports myself, which was exciting as I don't get to use the mills and lathes of my university very often as I'm an EE student.
Please consider buying the original product if you can afford it, it's a great product and it's worth the price (thanks F4IEY for showing it to me in the first place !).
3D Render from Autodesk Fusion
Base machining
The final base ended up being 90x85x20mm due to the available scrap blank; the CAD was then adapted to fit the new dimensions.
It was amazing to be able to use the machines of my university. It took a whole afternoon to machine both parts (base and load-cell support), but it was really fun ! Thanks again to my teacher for all the help and advice.
Base bluing
Before :
After :
After a lot of sanding with 180 and 320 scotch-brite, I used a cold bluing solution to give the base a nice black finish. It's not perfect nor uniform, but it gives a great old-school look to the base.
Partial assembly before bluing :
Assembly before bluing :
Partial assembly after bluing :
Final assembly :
License & Acknowledgements
Made with ❤️, lots of ☕️, and lack of 🛌
Published under CreativeCommons BY-SA 4.0
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.